aws eks ALB, NLB error: service Failed build model due to unable to resolve at least one subnet

2023. 8. 10. 15:36Dev/EKS


EKS AWS LBC is not able to auto-discover subnets


Public subnets¶
Public subnets are used for internet-facing load balancers. These subnets must have the following tags:

Key Value 1 or ``


Private subnets¶
Private subnets are used for internal load balancers. These subnets must have the following tags:

Key Value 1 or ``


Common tag¶
In version v2.1.1 and older of the LBC, both the public and private subnets must be tagged with the cluster name as follows:

Key Value${cluster-name} owned or shared


But the subnet tags are already well set up.

and i finally find below answer.


kubectl get deployment -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller -oyaml |grep "cluster-name"


when install aws loadbalancer controller with helm, didn't update current eks-cluster-name


kubectl edit deployment -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller


helm upgrade ~



  Type     Reason                  Age                  From     Message
  ----     ------                  ----                 ----     -------
  Warning  FailedBuildModel        9m15s (x2 over 14m)  service  Failed build model due to unable to resolve at least one subnet
  Normal   SuccessfullyReconciled  7m3s                 service  Successfully reconciled



other issue


AWS ALB, subnet CIDR 범위로 인한 문제(unable to discover at least one subnet)

위 패키지를 이용해서 ALB ingress를 사용하고 있다.


subnet cidr is too small


1. Confirm that you have at least two subnets in two different Availability Zones, which is a requirement for creating an Application Load Balancer.Note: You can create a Network Load Balancer with a single subnet.

2. For each subnet, specify a CIDR block with at least a /27 bitmask (for example: and at least eight free IP addresses.

3. Confirm that the tags on the subnets are formatted correctly. For example, the tags must not have any leading or trailing spaces.